What Does Thus Mean

What Does Thus Mean? Synonyms, Phrases & Examples

What does the word “thus” mean? The word “thus” is defined as “in this manner; in this way.” Thus can be used as an adverb or a pronoun. As an adverb, it is used to describe how something is done.

For example, “She sang thus for hours.” As a pronoun, it is used to introduce a clause that gives more information about the subject. For example, “I was tired, and thus I went to bed.

Definition of thus

Thus is a word that is used to describe something that happens as a result of something else. For example, if you are sick, you might take medicine in order to feel better. The medicine makes you feel better, thus curing your illness.

Synonyms for thus

Synonyms for thus can be found by looking up the definition of the word. Thus is an adverb meaning in this way or for this purpose. It is derived from the word thusly, which is also an adverb. Synonyms for thusly can be found by looking up the definition of synonyms. A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word. Some synonyms for thusly are consequently, accordingly, and as a result.

Synonyms for “thus” are “therefore,” “consequently,” and “as a result.” These words all mean that one thing led to another. For example, if you get a good grade on a test, your parents might say “thus, you have done well.” This means that the good grade was the result of your hard work.

Examples of thus in a Sentence

  1. Thus is typically used to introduce a clause that provides an explanation or justification for something.
    2. For example, “Thus I was not surprised when she rejected my advances.”
    3. This usage of thus can often be found in legal documents and scientific papers.
    4. However, it can also be used in more creative ways, as in this quote from J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye: “And I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of them, and nobody’s around – nobody big, I mean – except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff.”
    5. In this passage, the use of thus helps to create a sense of isolation and loneliness for the main character.

Phrases Containing thus

thus, in phrases such as “thus sayeth the Lord” and “I thus proclaim,” the word thus is used to introduce a statement that is seen as coming from a higher power or authority.

In this way, it functions as a kind of formal introduction or introduction by proxy. Additionally, the word thus can be used to emphasize or underline a statement, making it seem especially important.

First Known Use of thus

The first known use of the word thus can be traced back to the year 1225. The word was used in a sentence that read, “And Iohan answered thus: Lord, I am not worthy.”

The word has been used in a variety of different ways over the years, but its primary definition is still “in this manner.

History for thus

In order to understand the history for thus, it is important to know the history of the word itself. The word ‘thus’ has its origins in the Old English language, and it was originally used as an adverb meaning ‘in this way’. It wasn’t until much later that it began to be used as a conjunction, typically at the beginning of a sentence, to introduce a new point or idea.

The history for thus is therefore tied in with the history of the English language itself. Over time, its use has evolved and changed, but it remains an important part of how we communicate today.

Etymology for thus

The word thus is derived from the Old English word þus, meaning “thus, in this way.” The word þus is an adverb that is used to indicate how something is done or how something happened.

It can be used to introduce a sentence or to add emphasis to a statement. The word þus is also the root of the word thusly, which is used to indicate that something is done in this way.

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