Family Mediation After Divorce

Family mediators help couples in conflict work through their issues, think of solutions and decide whether they would work well. This is less expensive and less stressful than litigation.

A mediator will often meet with the parties repeatedly to facilitate communication, uncover hidden issues and emotions, listen to their stories, perform reality checks and encourage them to move toward their chosen reconciliation.
It is a voluntary process

The process is also less expensive and less stressful than litigation. Family mediators are trained to help people find solutions that work for them. Unlike court trials, mediation is flexible and allows both parties to meet at times that fit their schedules. It is a faster process than trial, which means you can get results sooner.

Mediation is a private process and all information shared during the sessions remains confidential. This is unlike litigation, where everything discussed in the courtroom becomes public record. This means you can discuss your feelings and problems without worrying about your personal privacy.

It is not necessary to have a solicitor present during mediation, but some people choose to have one to represent them and assist in negotiations. Mediators may conduct separate and joint sessions with both parties, as well as meetings with the children involved if applicable. This helps to ensure that the mediator has a complete understanding of the situation and can offer a comprehensive solution.
It is less expensive than litigation

In family mediation, you and your partner can meet in a private setting that is more flexible than a courtroom. The meetings are scheduled at a time and place convenient to you, and they can take as long or as little time as you want. The process also allows you to choose what is most important for your case.

Mediation is typically 20-50% less expensive than litigation. In addition, the proceedings are private and confidential. Your private information will not be shared with anyone outside the mediation sessions, and your lawyers can remain in separate rooms during negotiations. In some cases, mediators will meet with children or their new partners to get their perspectives.

During family mediation, you can discuss issues such as child custody, visitation, alimony, property division, elder care, and other family-related matters. You are the ones who know your family best, so you should be able to find a solution that works for you.
It is less stressful than litigation

In mediation, the focus is on solutions that work for the family. This makes the process less adversarial and more cooperative, which is especially important when children are involved. It also encourages positive communication skills, which are important for maintaining a good relationship after divorce.

Moreover, the process is quicker and less costly than litigation. Unlike a court trial, which can last months or even years, family mediation sessions can be held at times that are convenient for both parties. Furthermore, it is less stressful for children to see their parents cooperating rather than arguing.

Additionally, family mediators are bound by strict confidentiality laws, so anything that is communicated in mediation cannot be used against you in court. This gives you and your ex-spouse the confidence to discuss sensitive information freely without fear of it being revealed to the public. This helps resolve issues faster and leads to more satisfied outcomes. Aside from the benefits listed above, there are a few other ways that family mediation can benefit your life.
It is better for children

Family mediation teaches parents the skills to communicate constructively and set healthy boundaries. Parents who practice these skills with their co-parents will be more likely to model healthy relationship behaviors for their children.

The researchers randomized families that were referred to a community-based agency for family mediation, to either an intervention or wait-list control group. Families were offered 3 family mediation sessions and received a resource guide that included information about free or low-cost family and social services in the community.

The mediator meets with parents and their children individually to discuss parenting issues and help them work toward a mutually agreeable settlement. These agreements are short-term and can be renegotiated between mediation sessions. The researchers found that adolescents in families that participated in family mediation showed significant improvements in problem behaviors, such as academic performance and delinquency, at 6-week and 12-week follow-ups compared to adolescents in the wait-list control group. Parents who participated in mediation also reported greater satisfaction with the process and with their relationships with their children.

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